Las Vegas Network Technician

DataInformation drives your business. That’s why it’s critical that your information is accurate and accessible, wherever and whenever you need it.

Low Volt is pleased to provide data and IP solutions that will keep your data secure and easily accessible whether you’re working from individual computers, a small network or a large mainframe.

We can assure our clients satisfaction by the pride we take in our work.


What Low Volt and today’s technology can provide for you …

You’re at home eating dinner and you realise that you haven’t forwarded a document to an associate for their review. The file is on your computer at the office and your associate must have it tonight! What do you do? Drive to the office? Phone your associate and ask them to pick it up?
If you contracted Low Volt to configure your LAN you’ll simply turn on a computer at home and complete the task by remote.

Call us today at 702-458-2121 or fill out our contact form for a free, no obligation consultation!